Support information on FZ-55[D/E/F] model

Category FAQ
Model FZ-55[D/E/F] (mk2) series
Operating System Windows 10 Pro
Release Date 8/17/21
File Name
Index No 81978


We will Inform support information of FZ-55[D/E/F] (mk2).

No. Phenomenon / Support Information

[Panasonic PC DayNight mode Utility]
If you set to Night Mode by "Panasonic PC Day Night Mode Utility" and turn on the "Display Effect" in a multi-display environment via Thunderbolt, the processing may be degraded when playing a video.

If you want to play the video with multiple display connections via Thunderbolt, please execute one of the following methods.

  1. Change "Display Effect" to "Normal".

  2. Use HDMI port on the unit instead of HDMI port of Thunderbolt dock.


[Video Output]
The screen display is distorted, and the screen may continue to flicker even after the distortion is recovered.

The screen distortion can be recovered by operating the application window, but if flicker occurs, it will be recovered after a while.
Wait for the flicker to settle and then try again.
And please use Windows Media Player instead of Movie & TV, so it is possible that you can avoid to occurred this phenomenon.


[Video Output]
When PC is connected to external display with Type-C port, PC screen goes black and BSOD is occurred rarely.

Please connect PC to external display with HDMI directly, so it is possible to avoid to occur this phenomenon.