Support information for North American models with Emergency Notification Setting application pre-installed.

Category FAQ

CF-20[E/F/G/H] (mk2)
CF-31[6/7/8/9] (mk6)
CF-33[G/J/K/R/S/1/2/3] (mk2)
CF-LV8R (mk1)
FZ-55[A/B/C] (mk1)
FZ-55[D/F/E] (mk2)
FZ-G1[U/V] (mk5)
FZ-G2[A/B/C/D] (mk1)
FZ-M1 (mk3) Value-model
FZ-M1 (mk3)

(Target versions of Emergency Notification Setting application are V2.00L10 ~ V7.00L14.)
Operating System Windows 10 Pro
Release Date 10/28/21
File Name
Index No 81977


We will Inform support information of Emergency Notification Setting.

No. Phenomenon / Support Information

When user clicked “Install. (Recommended)” button in Emergency notification setting application which automatically starts running after turning on PC, “Accept” button in confirmation dialog box is occasionally not to be activated and not functioning in spite of that user scrolled window down to the bottom of the content of License agreement.

Please update Emergency Notification Setting with the following page.
 » Emergency Notification Setting update program