Intel® Thunderbolt™ Firmware Update Program (46.0)
CF-LV8[R/S] series

Category Communication Network
Model CF-LV8[R/S] (mk1)
Operating System Windows10 Pro 64bit
Language MUI,English
Release Date 9/12/23
File Name
Index No 81925

File Description

September 12, 2023 Update.
Updater is temporarily unavailable.

This software is intended to update the Intel® Thunderbolt™ Firmware of the target models.
The version after applying this software is as follows.
 - Intel® Thunderbolt™ Firmware : 46.0

Reason for Update

We released the countermeasure firmware for the following vulnerability.
  • Intel® Thunderbolt™ firmware Vulnerability Information (INTEL-SA-00401)


 * Please read the update instructions carefully, before using the update program.