Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Update Program ( CF-20[E/F/G/H], CF-31[6/7/8/9], CF-33[A/B/C/L/M/N/V/W], CF-54[G/H/J], CF-LX6[T/Y], CF-SZ6R, CF-XZ6R, FZ-G1[U/V/W], FZ-M1J series - Windows 10 (64bit) only -

Category Storage

CF-20[E/F/G/H] (mk2)
CF-31[6/7/8/9] (mk6)
CF-33[A/B/C/L/M/N/V/W] (mk1)
CF-54[G/H/J] (mk3)
CF-LX6[T/Y] (mk3)
CF-SZ6R Asia model (mk2)
CF-XZ6R (mk1)

FZ-G1[U/V/W] (mk5)
FZ-M1J (mk3)

Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Language MUI,English
Release Date 6/4/19
File Name RST_V16_d20194207.exe 19,242,624 bytes
InstallInstructionForRST_V16_rev101_eng.pdf 39,748 bytes
Index No 79143

File Description

This software is intended to update the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver of the target models.

The version after applying this software is as follows.
 - Ver.

Reason for Update

  • ・ This software fixed the secutiry vulnerability about Intel® Rapid Storage Technology installer.


  • ・ It influences at installing phase only.

  • ・ If Intel® Rapid Storage Technology is already installed, this vulnerability does not influence.

* Please read the update instructions carefully, before using the update program.

Revision History

  • - Jun 04, 2019 : Revised the update procedure manual.

  • - Apr 09, 2019 : Released the first edition.