Intel® Management (ME) Firmware update program (V10.0.60.3000/V9.5.65.3000)
CF-53[2/3/5/7], CF-AX3E, CF-C2[C/D], CF-LX3[E/J], FZ-G1F, FZ-M1C, FZ-Q1C series

Category Application and Utility,BIOS/EC/Firmware

CF-53[2/3/5/7] (mk4)

CF-53[2/3/5/7]****[T/N]*, CF-533ALBZBM (Windows 10 based model)
CF-53[2/3/7]****** (Windows 8.1 based model)

CF-AX3E (mk2)


CF-C2[C/D] (mk2/mk2.5)

CF-C2C****[K/N/T/V]*, CF-C2C[D/U]***** (Windows 10 based model)
CF-C2[C/D]****** (Windows 8.1 based model)

CF-LX3[E/J] (mk2/mk3)


FZ-G1F (mk2)


FZ-M1C (mk1)


FZ-Q1C (mk1)


("*" : wildcard character)

Operating System Windows 10 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 7 64bit, Windows 7 32bit
Language MUI,English
Release Date 10/30/18
File Name sharkbay_me_firmware_update_v2.exe 8,811,736 bytes
SharkBay_ME_Firmware_UpdateProcedure_v2_eng.pdf 85,200 bytes
Index No 77147

File Description

This software is intended to update Intel Management (ME) Firmware of the target model.

The version after applying this software is as follows.

CF-53[2/3/5/7]****[T/N]*, CF-533ALBZBM (Windows 10 based model)
CF-C2C****[K/N/T/V]*, CF-C2C[D/U]***** (Windows 10 based model)
 - ME Firmware : V10.0.60.3000 * 2018/10/30 Updated

CF-53[2/3/7]****** (Windows 8.1 based model)
CF-C2[C/D]****** (Windows 8.1 based model)
 - ME Firmware : V9.5.65.3000 * 2018/10/30 Updated

Reason for Update

We released the counter measure modules for the following vulnerabilities.

  1. Cumulative vulnerabilities of Intel® ME Firmware(Intel-SA-00086)

     » Security information about Intel® Management Engine (ME) firmware

  2. Vulnerability of WPA2(Intel-SA00101)

     » About countermeasure to Wi-Fi WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access II) vulnerability problem

  3. The following Intel site vulnerabilities were also fixed.

     » Intel Q1'18 Intel® Active Management Technology 9.x/10.x/11.x Security Review Cumulative Update (INTEL-SA-00112)* 2018/10/30 Added

     » Intel® Active Management Technology 9.x/10.x/11.x/12.x Security Review Cumulative Update Advisory (INTEL-SA-00141)* 2018/10/30 Added


* If you don't use Intel® Active Management Technology via wired or wireless LAN, ME Firmware update is not needed.

* Please read the update procedure carefully, before using the update program.

Revision History

  • - Oct 30, 2018: Revised the Intel® ME Firmware update program and update procedure.

  • - Apr 25, 2018: Released the first edition.