Intel® Video Driver update program (
CF-19[0/1/2/3/4/5/6/8/9/Z], CF-31[S/U/V/W/X/Y],
CF-AX2L, CF-D1[G/K], CF-H2[F/G/H/P/Q/S], CF-SX2J series
- Windows 7 32bit only -

Category Audio and Graphics


CF-19[0/1/2/3/4/5/6/8/9/Z] (mk6/mk7/mk8)
CF-31[S/U/V/W/X/Y] (mk3/mk4)
CF-53[J/K/L/M/N/P/Q/R/S/T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z/1] (mk2/mk3)
CF-AX2L (mk1)
CF-D1[G/K] (mk2)
CF-H2[F/G/H/P/Q/S] (mk2/mk3)
CF-SX2J (mk1) Asia-model

Operating System

Windows 7 32bit

Language MUI,English
Release Date 6/19/18
File Name video_10.18.10.4885_32.exe 72,206,392 bytes
Intel_Video_Driver_win7_10_18_10_4885_eng.pdf 45,744 bytes
video_10.18.10.4885_additional_setting.exe 271,816 bytes
video_10.18.10.4885_add_setting_eng.pdf 40,788 bytes
Index No 77125

File Description

This software update the Intel® video driver of the target model.

The version after applying these software is as follows.

?Video Driver :

Reason for Update

1) Improved the stability.

2) This software is the countermeasure driver to fix the following vulnerabilities published by Intel.

INTEL-SA-00095 (CVE-2017-5717)


* Please read the Update Instructions carefully, before using the update program.

* On CF-SX2, high frequency sound will be output after updating Intel Video Driver to v10.18.10.4885.
Please apply High Frequency Sound Countermeasure Program after updating Intel Video Driver.

CF-SX2 series Windows 7 32Bit only

High Frequency Sound Countermeasure Program (1.00L10 M00)
- video_10.18.10.4885_additional_setting.exe

Update Instructions for High Frequency Sound Countermeasure Program (1.00L10 M00)

Revision History

  • - Jun 19, 2018: "High Frequency Sound Countermeasure Program" was added to CF-SX2.
  • - Apr 24, 2018: Released the first edition.