TPM 1.2 firmware update tool
for CF-20, CF-31, CF-33, CF-53, CF-54, CF-AX3, CF-C2, CF-D1, CF-LX3, CF-MX4, CF-SX4, FZ-G1, FZ-M1, FZ-Q1, FZ-Q2, FZ-R1, FZ-Y1 series

Category All Drivers,BIOS/EC/Firmware


CF-SX4, CF-AX3, CF-LX3, CF-MX4, CF-20, CF-31, CF-33, CF-53, CF-54, CF-C2, CF-D1


FZ-G1, FZ-M1, FZ-Q1, FZ-Q2, FZ-R1, FZ-Y1

* Equipped model with TPM 1.2

Operating System

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit
Windows 7 64bit SP1, Windows 7 32bit SP1

Language MUI,English
Release Date 5/17/18
File Name TPM12FWUpdate432440.exe 15,551,448 bytes
UpdateInstructionsForTPM12FW_rev102.pdf 59,534 bytes
Index No 76277

File Description

This software is the TPM 1.2 firmware update tool for the above model.

The manufacturer's version after applying this software is "4.34" or "4.43".

This update package is for TPM 1.2.
If "Specification version" is 2.0, it is not supported.

Reason for Update

This software is the countermeasure module to fix vulnerability published by Infineon.


If you change TPM version to 2.0 by TPM 2.0 upgrade tool below,

- TPM1.2 ⇒ TPM2.0 (Upgrade)

TPM2.0 update tool for Toughbook / Toughpad series


Please update BIOS to the latest version first before update TPM 1.2 FW by TPM 1.2 firmware update tool.

- BIOS, EC and Firmware


* Please read the Update Instructions carefully, before using the update tool.

Reference URL

For TPM 2.0 update package please check the following URL.

» TPM 2.0 firmware update tool

Revision History

- May 17, 2018: Changed notes in this page. (Added that it is necessary to update the BIOS when changing the TPM version.)

- Jan 30, 2018: Windows 8.1 has been added to the target OS.