Panasonic Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android base models (V1.10L11M00)

Category Software Development Kit
Model FZ-A3, FZ-A2A, FZ-B2B, FZ-B2D, FZ-L1, FZ-N1, FZ-S1, FZ-T1, FZ-X1
Operating System [Toughpad SDK installer]
  Windows 10 Pro (64bit/32bit)
  Windows 8.1 Pro (64bit/32bit)

[Target models]
  Android 11
  Android 10
  Android 9
  Android 8.1
  Android 6.0
  Android 5.1
  Android 4.4
  Android 4.2
Release Date 8/31/22
File Name 8,572,120 bytes
Index No 74968

File Description

Toughpad SDK supports FZ-A2, FZ-A3, FZ-B2, FZ-N1, FZ-X1, FZ-T1, FZ-L1 and FZ-S1 as target devices.

The Android Studio IDE is supported as the development environment.


* Toughpad Software Development Kit (SDK) for the target models.

* Toughpad SDK contains libraries for developing Android applications on Windows OS to control Panasonic compatible accessories such as Barcode Reader, Magnetic Stripe (MagStripe) Reader, Application buttons (A1-A3 and side button), and Smart Card Reader(SCR).

* The sample code has been confirmed on Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 1 .

* Please confirm the specifications or restrictions of your target Android version on Android developer site to use Toughpad SDK.

Support list

Model/Device Barcode Reader Magnetic Stripe Reader Application buttons Serial port Smart Card Reader
FZ-A2A 1)
FZ-B2B 1) 1)
FZ-B2D 1) 1)
FZ-X1 1) 1)
FZ-N1 1) 1)
FZ-T1 1)
FZ-A3 1) 1) 1)
FZ-S1 1) 1) 1)

Legend :  support  non-support1) With Gadget



Reason for Update

- Aug. 31, 2022 :

▪ Android 11 is added to the supported Android OS.

▪ The quick start guide document is updated.
Updates the sample code to support Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 1 .

- Mar. 29, 2022 :

▪ FZ-S1 supports Smart Card Reader API.

- Oct. 28, 2021 :

▪ FZ-S1 is added to the supported device.

▪ Android 10 is added to the supported Android OS.

- Dec. 15, 2020 :

▪ Supports Smart Card Reader API.

- Dec. 02, 2020 :

▪ FZ-A3 is added to the supported device.

▪ Android 9 is added to the supported Android OS.

- Jun. 11, 2019 :

▪ FZ-L1 is added to the supported device.

▪ Sample code is updated to support Android API level 26.

- Oct. 15, 2018 :

The quick start guide document is updated.

▪ FZ-N1 (Android 8.1) and FZ-T1 (Android 8.1) are added to the supported devices.

▪ Java library is updated.

▪ The quick start guide document is updated about the supported status for serial port API.

How to use

Unzip the zip file, and execute the exe file in the expanded folder with administrator privileges.