[Countermeasure against "Important matters / Restrictions" occurring after Windows 10 update] ”EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic” Update Program

Category Applications and Utilities,Windows Upgrade,FAQ

Toughbook CF-19

CF-19Z (mk8)

Toughbook CF-31

CF-31[1/2/3/4] (mk5)

Toughbook CF-53

CF-53[2/3/4/7] (mk4)

Toughbook CF-54

CF-54[A/B/C] (mk1)

Toughbook CF-AX3

CF-AX3E (mk2)

Toughbook CF-C2

CF-C2C (mk2)

Toughbook CF-LX3

CF-LX3[E/J] (mk2)

Toughbook CF-MX4

CF-MX4E (mk1)

Toughbook CF-SX4

CF-SX4E (mk1 Asia model)

Operating System Windows 10 Ver.2004 [May 2020 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1909 [November 2019 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1903 [May 2019 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1809 [November 2018 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1803 [April 2018 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1709 [Fall Creators Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1703 [Creators Update]
Language All languages
Release Date 9/23/20
File Name fgrprint_d20165468.exe 35,132,008 bytes
2017Apr_EVE FA Standalone Install_Procedure.pdf 321,189 bytes
Index No 74950


  • Unable to authenticate fingerprint for Microsoft account.


  • If EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic Application's version is older than
    Please update EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic Application, download the following modules.


Revision History

  • - Sep 23, 2020: "Windows 10 Version 2004" was added to the target OS.
  • - Feb 4, 2020: "Windows 10 Version 1909" was added to the target OS.
  • - Sep 10, 2019: "Windows 10 Version 1903" was added to the target OS.
  • - Jan 8, 2019: "Windows 10 Version 1809" was added to the target OS.
  • - Jun 19, 2018: "Windows 10 Version 1803" was added to the target OS.
  • - Nov 14, 2017: "Windows 10 Version 1709" was added to the target OS.
  • - May 24, 2017: Released the first edition.