CF-19Z (mk8) Series
Windows 10 Upgrade Support Download Modules (Clean Install)

Category All Drivers,Windows Upgrade
Model CF-19Z (mk8) Series
Operating System Windows 8.1 64bit Update / Windows 7 64bit SP1
Language MUI,English
Release Date 7/28/16
File Name Win10_Clean_StepByStepGuide_en_19Z_MB5_MA6.pdf 161,635 bytes
sid_d20155083.exe 3,668,064 bytes
phid_d20155104.exe 2,382,344 bytes
wtoolbox_d20134807.exe 2,773,808 bytes
pcommon_d20154080.exe 39,624,384 bytes
pcomn64_d20154081.exe 42,054,840 bytes
fgrprint_d20155082.exe 66,259,256 bytes
pcinfo_d20154997.exe 2,739,088 bytes
dptf_d20154278.exe 7,012,592 bytes
genericvideo_10_18_10_4303_64.exe 130,090,032 bytes
wlan_d20155117.exe 372,763,448 bytes
wwan_07_d20136082.exe 6,636,864 bytes
gps_d2015xxxx.exe 269,856 bytes
*IntelManagementEngineDriver_v11.0.0.1160_ss22421.exe 96,541,824 bytes
*ChipsetDeviceSoftwareDriver_v10.1.1.13_ss22682.exe 3,083,024 bytes
*SDDriver_v6.10.10.28_ss17642.exe 4,863,544 bytes
*USBLAN(SMSC)Driver_v2.7.1.0_ss22179.exe 3,701,976 bytes
*USBLanDriver(MC7830)_v1.16.1.0_ss22180.exe 2,050,280 bytes
*SystemInterfaceMgrApp_v12.01l11_ss17478.exe 5,789,480 bytes
*PanasonicNotificationUtil_v1.05l11_ss17479.exe 2,070,248 bytes
*DisplayRotationTool_v7.17l18_ss17493.exe 2,668,656 bytes
*PanasonicDashboardApp_v2.10l12k(forcf-19)_ss17502.exe 5,068,744 bytes
*SoundDriver_v6.0.1.7004_ss17488.exe 220,849,368 bytes
Index No 73456


Please refer to "Windows 10 Upgrade Support Information" Web page.

  1. This file is self-expandable on any TOUGHBOOK/TOUGHPAD models, but the drivers can only be installed (available) on the applicable model number.
  2. Before upgrading, please confirm information such as restrictions after upgrading to Windows 10 in the web page of "Windows 10 Upgrade Support Information".
  3. In some cases, you should not upgrade to Windows 10.
  4. Read all the documentation before you start upgrading your OS.
  5. Windows 7 Service Pack (SP1) 64 bit*
    * The “Windows 7 Service Pack (SP1) 32 bit” is ineligible.
    Recovery with Windows 7 (64 bit) is required when upgrading to Windows 10.

File Description

No. Soft Name Download File Name Version
1 Step-By-Step Gude Win10_Clean_StepByStepGuide_en_19Z_MB5_MA6.pdf July 29, 2016
2 System Interface Device Driver sid_d20155083.exe 2.1.1501.0
3 HID Drivers for Panasonic PC phid_d20155104.exe 2.5.1800.0
4 Wireless ToolBox wtoolbox_d20134807.exe V1.02L10M01
5 Common Components for Panasonic PC pcommon_d20154080.exe V5.00L10 M01
6 Common Components for Panasonic PC (x64) pcomn64_d20154081.exe V5.00L10 M01
7 EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic fgrprint_d20155082.exe
8 PC Information Viewer pcinfo_d20154997.exe V8.14L10 M00
9 Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework(DPTF) for SharkBay/ChiefRiver dptf_d20154278.exe
10 Video Driver for ChiefRiver genericvideo_10_18_10_4303_64.exe
11 WLAN Driver for Intel 6205/6250/6235/7265/7260 wlan_d20155117.exe for SfP2 WoWLAN Disabled
12 WWAN Driver for F5521gw wwan_07_d20136082.exe V9.0.2.1
13 GPS Registry Patch gps_d2015xxxx.exe -
14 Intel(R) Management Engine Component IntelManagementEngineDriver_v11.0.0.1160_19Z_W1064_ss22421.exe v11.0.0.1160
15 Intel(R) Chipset Device Software ChipsetDeviceSoftwareDriver_v10.1.1.13_19Z_W1064_ss22682.exe v10.1.1.13
16 SD Card Controller SDDriver_v6.10.10.28_19Z_W1064_ss17642.exe v6.10.10.28
17 USB LAN Driver USBLAN(SMSC)Driver_v2.7.1.0_19Z_W1064_ss22179.exe v2.7.1.0
18 USB LAN Driver USBLanDriver(MC7830)_v1.16.1.0_19Z_W1064_ss22180.exe v1.16.1.0
19 System Interface Manager SystemInterfaceMgrApp_v12.01l11_19Z_W1064_ss17478.exe v12.01l11
20 System Session Manager PanasonicNotificationUtil_v1.05l11_19Z_W1064_ss17479.exe v1.05l11
21 Display Rotation Tool DisplayRotationTool_v7.17l18_19Z_W1064_ss17493.exe v7.17l18
22 Dashboard for Panasonic PC PanasonicDashboardApp_v2.10l12k(forcf-19)_19Z_W1064_ss17502.exe v2.10l12k
23 Sound Realtek SoundDriver_v6.0.1.7004_19Z_W1064_ss17488.exe v6.0.1.7004

Update Information

A first edition has been released on Sep 01, 2015.

The 2nd edition has been released on Jul 28, 2016.
   - Updated the installation procedures that are described in Step-by-step guide.
