Mouse Cursor may remain until reboot

Category FAQ
Model FZ-Y1 [C/D] (mk2) - Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Ver.1607 Build.14393) model
Operating System Windows 10 Pro 64bit - OS Version : Anniversary Update (Ver.1607 Build.14393)
Release Date 1/31/17
File Name
Index No 72850


Mouse Cursor may remain until reboot.


If Windows 10 version is RS 1 (Anniversary Update) and DisplayLink Driver version is 8.0, there may be a situation that "Mouse Cursor remains on the screen until restart.
Update DisplayLink Driver from 8.0 to 8.1 or above with Windows Update.


- Steps to confirm version of OS:
Tap on the Start Menu > Settings > System > about > confirm the version of OS(1607).
- Steps to conifirm driver version:
Long tap on the Start Menu > Program and Features > confirm the version of DisplayLink Graphics Driver.