[Recovery Disc Creation Utility]
The disk space error message is displayed, when you create recovery disk.

Category Application and Utility,FAQ
Model CF-C2 (mk2) : CF-C2C****M*
CF-AX3 (mk2) : CF-AX3ED**M*
CF-LX3 (mk3) : CF-LX3JD**M*
CF-53 (mk4) : CF-53[2/3/4/7]****M*
CF-19 (mk8) : CF-19Z****M*
CF-D1 (mk2) : CF-D1[G/K]****M*
FZ-G1 (mk2) : FZ-G1F****M*
FZ-G1 (mk3) : FZ-G1[J/L]****M*
FZ-M1 (mk1) : FZ-M1C****M*
 (where "*(asterisk)" means a wildcard character)

*This application is preinstalled in only CF-53 (mk4) that are manufactured after Mar 1, 2015.
Operating System Windows 7 (MUI) (Windows 8.1 downgrade)
Language English(UK) / MUI
Release Date 3/10/15
File Name recvdisc_V507L10.exe 2,066,056 bytes
Procedure_Recovery_Disc_Creation_Utility_V507L10.pdf 389,051 bytes
Index No 37263


The disk space error message is displayed, when you create recovery disk.


This application is available only to users who use our factory image, Windows 7 MUI Downgrade.This application reduces the necessary free space to create recovery discs compared with a previous version.If the out of disk space error message appears, please setup this application and create recovery discs by using this application.




This applications requires about 26GB of free disk space to create recovery discs.This size is a little different for each product.If you install some applications or copy some data and the free space of storage is smaller than the necessary free space that this application requires, the out of disk space error message also appears even if you use this application.