Intel® Video Driver Update Program ( CF-SV1R, FZ-55[D/E/F] series

Category Audio and Graphics,Windows Upgrade
Model CF-SV1R (mk2) - Asia model
FZ-55[D/E/F] (mk2)
Operating System Windows 11 Pro 64bit
Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Language MUI,English
Release Date 2/28/23
File Name video_30.0.100.9864.exe 586,839,056 bytes
video_30.0.100.9864_v2_en.pdf 52,419 bytes
Index No 82151

File Description

This software is intended to update the Intel® video driver of the target models.
The version after applying this software is as follows.

Reason for Update

  • For the Windows 10 pre-installed model, fix the following issue that occur after upgrading to Windows 11.
     - After resume from sleep, when opening Edge, the screen display may be severely disturbed.
  • The stability when connecting to an external display and the stability of applications are improved.
  • This software is the counter measure driver for the following vulnerabilities.
  1. Intel® Video Driver Vulnerability Information (INTEL-SA-00189, INTEL-SA-00242, INTEL-SA-00314, INTEL-SA-00315,INTEL-SA-00369, INTEL-SA-00438, INTEL-SA-00566)
    * 2023/02/28 Updated


[CF-SV1 series only]
The following side effects may occur when this driver is applied.
 - It may not be able to use the function to change the screen resolution with Panasonic PC Settings Utility.
   We plan to release a countermeasure driver in the future.

Revision History

- Feb 28, 2023 : Revised the Intel® Video Driver Update Program and the update instructions.
- Mar 22, 2022 : Added reason for update 2 (the download file has not changed)
- Nov 19, 2021 : CF-SV1R was added to the target model.
- Oct 12, 2021 : Released the first edition.