["EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic" for Windows 10 Update] Unable to authenticate fingerprint for Microsoft account.

Category Applications and Utilities,Windows Upgrade,FAQ

Toughbook CF-20

CF-20[A/B/C/D] (mk1)

Toughbook CF-31

CF-31[1/2/3/4] (mk5)

Toughbook CF-53

CF-53[2/3/4/5/7] (mk4)

Toughbook CF-54

CF-54[A/B/C] (mk1), CF-54[D/E/F] (mk2)

Toughbook CF-C2

CF-C2C (mk2.5)

Toughbook CF-MX4

CF-MX4E (mk1)

Toughbook CF-SX4

CF-SX4E (mk1 Asia model)

* "Windows 10 Pre-installed" PC

Operating System Windows 10 Ver.22H2 [2022 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.21H2 [November 2021 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.21H2 [November 2021 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.21H1 [May 2021 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.20H2 [October 2020 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.2004 [May 2020 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1909 [November 2019 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1903 [May 2019 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1809 [October 2018 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1803 [April 2018 Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1709 [Fall Creators Update]
Windows 10 Ver.1703 [Creators Update]
Language All languages
Release Date 12/6/22
File Name fgrprint_d20165468.exe 35,132,008 bytes
2017Apr_EVE FA Standalone Install_Procedure.pdf 321,189 bytes
Index No 67447


Unable to authenticate fingerprint for Microsoft account.


If "EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic" application's version is older than
Please update EVE FA Standalone for Panasonic, download the following modules.

Reason for Update

Fixed the following issue.

- After update with "Windows Creators Update" or later version, unable to authenticate fingerprint for Microsoft account.


Revision History

  • - Dec 06, 2022: "Windows 10 Version 22H2" was added to the target OS.
  • - Dec 21, 2021: "Windows 10 Version 21H2" was added to the target OS.
  • - May 25, 2021: "Windows 10 Version 21H1" was added to the target OS.
  • - Nov 24, 2020: "Windows 10 Version 20H2" was added to the target OS.
  • - May 28, 2020: "Windows 10 Version 2004" was added to the target OS.
  • - Nov 19, 2019: "Windows 10 Version 1909" was added to the target OS.
  • - May 28, 2019: "Windows 10 Version 1903" was added to the target OS.
  • - Oct 3, 2018: "Windows 10 Version 1809" was added to the target OS.
  • - May 7, 2018: "Windows 10 Version 1803" was added to the target OS.
  • - Oct 17, 2017: "Windows 10 Version 1709" was added to the target OS.
  • - Mar 31, 2017: Released the first edition.